6 nights a week and 4 great places to sing! Jennifer!
The new addition to the Karaoke shows and learning all the tricks and tips that you need to keep things going whether it's because I can't be there, or just because. ;-) There have been a couple of times not so recently when I couldn't do or run a show and had to cancel. In the years of doing this, I think July 2013 was the first time I'd ever had to call in sick. So, I found someone as fun, funny, "intutitive" and down right grouchy <evil> (as in, won't put up with BS but love ya all anyway) as me and HAD to ask if she'd like to help. That same grin as in the picture was accompanied with a YES!, so here we are. If you already know Jen, you'll also know that it has been great. If you don't, come to any show and get to know her. She is also now the Bar Manager at Main Street Bistro where there is now Karaoke on Mondays. Her Email and phone are on her cards (pictured above) and you can contact her that way as well. (Great Spam traps on the ISP & they tell ME, so behave.) :-)
If there is a song I don't have
and you want it in the list,
E-mail, or text message me and ask.
New Books / Lists as of Aug. 16th 2017. Be sure to download them and
pick your songs ahead of time.
Remember to Email or Text me for
something you want that's not in the
lists. I will find it, if
it's available.
If it is at a Venue with WiFi OR Verizon
service, I MAY be able to, and probably will get it right then
and there.
For a little
side trip to some fun, click on ol' Blue
there. :-)
I've added a new link to a few pic's taken at a
few places... Karaoke Pics! (YOU
COULD be in one of these...) <grin> Page
updated LONG ago.
BIG Thanks to all of you that made 2016
as good as it was and 2017 as good as
it's been!
Karaoke Shows: (Info
repeats with Pictures of places & others things, lower
down this page.)
Mondays at Main
Street Station & bistro
6PM or
to see lots of youngun's there too!
There is now another place in
Guerneville where the kids
can come, have some dinner or a snack
and prove to their parents and others how
talented and brave they are. :-)
Tuesdays AND Thursday's, McT's Bull Pen
October 18th
will be the 7 year
anniversary of my Karaoke at McT's Bull Pen!!
There's Always a LOT of fun to be had at McT's
Bull Pen! Singin' Bartenders too!
Live Bands, DJ's and ME! 8:00 start time.
8:00PM to at least Midnight!
(1:00 AM on the BUSY nights!)
"House"Amp & Speaker - sound system that I use
rather than the systems used elsewhere!. Be EARLY to get on the
list faster.
Up to 8 Monitors and more FUN! (No more 2 in
a row starters/singers.) (707) 869-8399
*No Saturday Karaoke for
awhile unless a large group wants and asks.
On Hiatus until further notice, But you still need
to check out their great food and service.
(and Monte Rio) PLACES HAVE
If a song I don't have
is available, I can AND WILL get it
"NOW" at ALL of these shows.
I've been on line
w/Face Book from all locations to post an
update or 2 or 7. ;-)
And, of course, I'm on Face
Book at:
http://www.facebook.com/the.Country.Dan :-)
(Now as Dan Hartmann , FB Stole my "CountryDan". Our
Karaoke Schedule is the background pic on my new page.)
Just in case I
forget to update here on time, remember,
EVERY Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., & Sun., there's
Karaoke at the River.
Any drastic changes will be posted asap.
with Country Dan
150,000 songs to choose from (I've
deleted a ton of bad and
duplicate stuff)
and you MUST be over 21 to attend Shows
at the The Bull Pen & R3 Hotel,
but ALL Ages are welcome at both Main Street and
Click here for the main information pages
6:00 PM to 11:00 PM.Walking
distance to almost everything else in Guerneville!
(Free WiFi )
Started Thursday,
October 14th, 2010 at 9 PM. (Now
starts at 8:00 PM) Free
Tuesday and Thursday Karaoke!
Click McT's
Bullpen on Facebook or
McT's Bull Pen MAIN Web
October 17th will
the SEVEN year anniversary of
Karaoke at the Bull Pen!!
Tuesdays AND Thursdays at 8pm
if no games are on the big screen.
New SUPER Video displays - VGA - Crystal clear on 2 monitors! Working on more. :-)
Great Drinks!
Great Bartenders and GREAT FUN!
You MUST be
21 (or older) to attend OR participate
in this show at the Bull Pen.
Restaurant & Bistro
No more
Saturday Nights.*
Guerneville and Monte Rio. 19400 CA-116, Monte Rio, CA 95462
(707) 865-2454*
*Unless there is a Special or large group and I get a call, we're on hiatus.
Be sure
to come out and sing from your hearts
this week...*
here for My great Calendar,
OK It's kind'a boring but it says
where I'll be doing what, and when
I'll be there. :-)
There's WAS a bit more than just
my Karaoke on that calendar... If
you would like something added
(Sisters, Locals?), an event or...
Please let me know. There are
a lot of people that check THIS page
often and MANY that wind up here by
when looking for Karaoke, that look
around a bit before leaving. Some
local and some not.
My Voice and Text, Contact
>> Cell Phone
707-888-1097 for
voice and text. Preferred.
AND Voice MESSAGES or Text
707-394-5176 or
Also on Face Book facebook.com/The.Country.Dan
(Forced to a "page" now, so I'm just "Dan Hartmann" and the background picture is the Karaoke Schedule.)Check the dates and file names
on the PDF files. and LET ME KNOW IF THERE ARE
The NEWEST song list (In PDF format only)
is on line and downloadable. Dated
Opinions on the Wisdom page were updated awhile ago. http://www.countrydan.com/wisdom.htm
To go directly
to the SONG LIST download page,
click below:
NEW BOOKS AS OF Aug 16th, 2017... Still
"messy" w/errors and bad names, but better...
I'm still editing, fixing and deleting bad songs,
dupes and mis-named tracks. DO check it for new
KARAOKE with Country Dan
140,000 songs to choose from (I've
deleted a ton
of bad
and you MUST be over 21 to attend
Shows at the all venues other than Main
Street Bistro.
Click here for the main information pages OR
Click here for My great Calendar,
I have a page HERE with embedded
videos of a few singers.
You can find at the top of the side bar
of links on page one at:
OR directly at:
There is a Russian
River Resort YouTube page!
The Direct link to it is:
I WAS going to take that page down and
move the videos to mine,
but now I'll have to remove and rename
the resort. That's OK.
There is a tip jar at all Karaoke shows, run by all KJ's. to tip through out the night. Some tip a dollar a song while others tip once with more and some NEVER do. (tsk tsk) No one HAS to tip a DJ, a KJ, or even a bartender, but it IS considered proper form, especially if you are getting to sing a lot or like what you are hearing and seeing. There are several people that never sing, but will tip and say thanks for the entertainment on their way out. Most nights, that is all that winds up in the tip jar. Other times, someone will remind the crowd and there will be $20 or more in it. In my case, tips are all I will use now to purchase new music and THAT fund has been small lately. Tipping or not though, you are all loved and more than welcome to come in and have a blast.
IF you sign up and don't answer when called to sing, after three times calling your name I will cross you off UNLESS you have told me you'll be gone a FEW minutes. You must let me know ahead of time. If you are crossed off and return, you may add yourself back at the bottom of the list. If you leave before you are due to sing. please let me know as well. IF there are no, (or very few) people at a Karaoke event, I will shut things down and quit for the evening. I can not charge a bar or resort to run a show that no one attends. Thanks...
2 in a row
More information and the MAIN page is at: www.CountryDan.com/page1.htm
Return, or go to the MAIN pages at CountryDan.com
"There is this long, wonderful history of the human race written in blood. We have this tendency to just take what we want. And that's how we treat the natural world as well. There's this sense of we're here, we're big, we've got the guns, we've got the technology, therefore we're entitled to every damn thing on this planet. That's NOT how it works and we're going to find out the hard way if we don't kind of wise up and start seeking a life that's in balance with the natural life on Earth." A quote from James Cameron.
Those of you not in to any kind of Spiritual Thinking (as opposed to "religion") should take a good look at the alternative news sources, meaning SOME of the channeled messages, any NON MAIN STREAM MEDIA and a lot of information around the Mayan Calendar. While I am NOT one of those thinking the world is going to "end" in 2012, I DO believe we are in for a major change to the way we live, think and act towards others. Anger, hate and vengeance can no longer be the rule. Greed and dishonesty are going to become a thing of the past. Love (and I don't mean lust, though that's not BAD) is going to HAVE to rule the way we think and act or we simply aren't going to be around much longer. Compassion, gratitude and understanding (not liking, but understanding) will be the way we live or we won't live. After doing a lot of reading (studying or research) I am of the opinion that the Mayan calendar end
ed it's cycle in 2011 (Oct 28th actually), not 2012 (as pushed by the Main Stream Media) and the cycles that started by taking millions of years to go through the days and nights (7 days and 6 nights for each cycle) will in 2011 take a whole 20 DAYS per day/night. We're there NOW. (Again, Not the end of the world!) (Note Oct, 2013 - Obviously) We as a people, world wide, have got to stop following the (ANY) party line, doing what "they" want and start thinking for ourselves. Rely on intuition more than your thoughts and let your feelings be much more of a guide than in the past. As things get faster (<evolution> as described in the Mayan calendar, not time itself) we won't have time to "think" things through and our intuition will be what saves us from major mistakes. Watch and notice and you will see "the powers that be" or TPTB become "the Powers that WERE" or TPTW. I'm still watching and waiting. If you are at all interested, you can send me an Email and I will forward some of the information I have (or links to it). If not, just come sing, watch and listen and enjoy. :-) SOME of the sites I read are...Lately, my MAIN source for digital Karaoke tracks has been Tricerasoft.com If this does not open correctly, try a copy & Paste of that w/o the actual embedded link. I also use http://www.buykaraokedownloads.com and once in awhile will still buy a real disk. :-) Since I buy credits on the first one, I can, IF available, get a song while at any venue now.
Click here for The
lists! Almost 150,000 tracks!
ALL of my current Digital music was
lost in a major computer and hard
drive crash New Year Eve 2012, but
using ancient back up's, and re-ripping tons
of disks
I'm now RE-editing file names and
removing dupes. So the lists
will be a little "off" for
awhile. All SONGS are still
but some brands will not be until I
re-rip some CD's or check for digital
downloads I've purchased. I am
also editing all of the file
"names" so that all are first name
first and song names are more
alike. This will shrink the
books down a lot too.
All rights reserved.
document may not be copied in
part or full without express
written permission, FROM ME.